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Principle of sacrificial anode cathodic protection


Sacrificial anode is a kind of special anticorrosive material, and its performance in application daily applications, water heater, boiler, and machinery components ship tank, offshore engineering etc.
Sacrificial anode, as the most effective anti-corrosion product in the field of modern shipping, plays an irreplaceable role, especially in the rapid economic development and the deepening of industrial production, the actual demand for different types of sacrificial anode anti-corrosion products in different industries is becoming more widely.
Sacrificial anode principle of action is provides the cathode body current to the protected body through its own consumption. The commonly used sacrificial anode materials are Magnesium, Aluminum, Zinc. The sacrificial anode does not disturb adjacent metal facilities, which has good current dispersion ability and is easy to manage and maintain. Compare with other sacrificial anodes, magnesium sacrificial anode have low density, large capacitance, negative potential and low polarization, and have high driving voltage for steel. Especially suitable for the protection of metal components in soil and fresh water with high resistivity.
In the field of anode protection, zinc alloy and aluminum alloy anode have achieved excellent economic benefits and social effects in many fields, including offshore steel facilities, offshore platforms, ships, oil pipelines and so on.

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